Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Classicism: It's Not Greek To Me

Yesterday, The Devoted Classicist had the great honor to present his talk "Classicism:  It's Not Greek To Me" to the Belle Meade Garden Club.  Showing examples of my work, I explained what an influence classicism has in my designs for architecture and furniture.  Because of the specific audience, I geared my comments more towards the ways that the houses relate to the landscape setting.  Many thanks to the program's hostess, interior designer Linda Kay McCloy, for the invitation to speak and making possible such an elegant luncheon reception afterwards.

The image shown here is "The Artist and His Family", 1813, by Adam Buck from Regency Design by John Morley, published by Harry H. Abrams, 1993.


  1. I use this image a lot in teaching about the Greek Revival - there's the perfect example of a klismos, the pottery, the herm, even the hairstyles and female clothing. Perfect.

  2. Blue, I agree completely. Although the architecture depicted in the painting is a bit severe, even for me, each element is indeed sublime.

  3. congratulations are certainly in order.
    it sound as though it went off without a hitch,
    ....and a pretty lunch to top things off.

    i wish i would have attended.
    this is some thing i would most definitely

  4. I bet the Belle Meade Garden Club thouroughly enjoyed your talk John. I know I would have.

    I hope you will continue to have a good rest of this week!

  5. When you are passing though Atlanta, we'll pick you up at the airport and barter lunch for a lecture. OK? I saw your title be couldn't read it until later. In the mean time I read in the comments of The Classicist Blog.

    "the opening is an arch with the architrave as corniced smooth truscan pilasters surmounted by a distinctive semicircular rusticated arch without pediment. The key stone is not differentiated from the other voussoirs..."

    This what what I thought your post might be about.

  6. Terry, someday I might reconsider my efforts to avoid changing planes in Atlanta and take you up on your offer. I am really enjoying my wonderful blogging friends in your city, and I am sure the opportunity for us all to meet will eventually be realized.

  7. thanks for the comment.

    ssssh. i know about that first picture. truthfully, it was just too beautiful i couldn't pass it up!!!! hehe.

  8. Dear Cote, it is the teacher experience in me that almost involuntarily tries educate everyone. But we'll call it your editorial privilege. Despite the cost of fabric and labor, the beauty of the bed in question would be easy to duplicate.

  9. I am sure that must have been very seem to have vast knowledge on the subject and we can never tire of learning especially about beautiful homes and landscapes that have such a profound effect on how we attempt to do things today. I am sure it was wonderful.

  10. John, I read this post last week and have been meaning to comment...I so wish that I could have attended the lecture. I know that you did a fantastic job, and I'm sure the audience learned a great deal. Come to Atlanta!

  11. T.P.O.C., no need to apologize. From your many wonderful posts, I know you have been busy! Plus, your fabulous blog is the one that introduced me to the world of blogging, and has set a high standard for us all. Atlanta seems to have a particularly large concentration of design bloggers, doesn't it? Someday soon I look forward to seeing you again and meeting some of my electronic friends.

  12. I've just looked up Regency Style as I'm reading a great deal about Brummel and his ilk. It's had rather a lasting influence hasn't it?

    Thanks for the comment today. Keep up the good work. It's a lovely blog and very well written.

  13. When I danced, one of my favorite dances was "Orpheus" and I could imagine dancing in such a setting for this family.
    I can inly imagine your lecture must have been equally elegant as eloquent!


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