Thursday, April 7, 2011

Decoration - Ancient and Modern

Readers of The Devoted Classicist are invited to welcome a new blog, Decoration - Ancient & Modern by my friend and sometime collaborator Thomas Jayne.  Thomas is extremely talented as both an author and a decorator, so this new endeavor promises to be as stylish as it is inspirational.  Take a look at and subscribe to receive notices when new posts are available.

In the April, 2011, issue of House Beautiful magazine, some of Thomas' favorite design elements are presented in the "Instant Room" feature shown above.  I have known Thomas for about 24 years and can vouch for his expertise in interior design;  in addition to being a graduate of the Attingham Summer School and an educational tenure at Parish-Hadley (both experiences that we share),  Thomas holds a Master's degree in American Architecture and Decorative Arts from the Wintherthur Museum program.  Regular readers of The Devoted Classicist will remember the January 20, 2011, post that featured his new book The Finest Rooms in America.


  1. Looking forward to reading his posts.Thank you.

  2. I think that he's going to be in baltimore later this month, speaking at Evergreen house! I am scheduled to attend. Can't wait!

  3. I had no idea. I love his work and his wonderful book. Will be popping over there next. Thank you!!

  4. Thank you, John, for sharing this post!


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